"The New Year is the day that marks the beginning of a new calendar year. It's always a great time for me because I get to start fresh. I can leave so much of the BS from the past year exactly where it belongs: in the past. That jury notice I got a few weeks ago? No longer existent. Those state taxes I forgot to file? Not my problem. The past-due 2010 employee reviews? Not an obligation anymore. As soon as Seacrest starts the countdown and the clock hits midnight, a magical feeling of complete and stutter relief fleshes over me. It's wonderful. Time to say aloha ("goodbye" not "hello") to the worst of 2010 and pretend a lot of it never even happened. It's God's "get out of jail free" card (unless you're really in jail, and then, ya know...you're stuck there for now). This New Year's I'm gonna blast some Gloria Estefan, blow my noisemaker until I explode an eardrum or two, and cheers to brand new beginnings 'cause that's what it's all about. Happy New Year everybody."
-Michael Scott, Dunder Mifflin Newsletter